Not Your Typical Birthday Session

Today is my daughter's 4th birthday!! Like most of you Momma's out there, I love to have pictures done of my children each year for their birthday. In years past I've simply taken my daughter to a pretty location and taken pictures of her looking like her beautiful self! This year I decided to do something different and start a new tradition for my children's birthdays. 

So without further ado, this is my daughter's

"Favorite Things Birthday Session"

Birthday Photos

 It's only appropriate that I begin with her and her most prized possessions! Her Disney princess dolls. She takes at least one of her dolls everywhere she goes, and does her best to play with them just about every possible second of the day. 

Let me say again, she was HAPPY!! This is a serious victory! Ask any photographer with children and they will tell you just how difficult it can be to photograph your own child. I'm sure some of you non-photographer moms can relate to this as well. The fact that she WILLINGLY allowed me to take all of these photos was a true testament to just how much fun we had with this session! Not only was I able to capture her breathtaking outer beauty, but her fascinating little (not so little) personality was all over every photo. These memories for us to look back on throughout the years are priceless, and also allows us the opportunity to see how much her favorite things change throughout the course of her life! So here are a few of her favorite things... (cue Julia Andrews ;-P)

Making and, of course, eating waffles is one of her most favorite morning activities, as well as getting pink sprinlked donuts with her daddy on Saturday mornings!

Jumping on the bed is rarely allowed, but sometimes you just have to let them be kids, right? When she gets the go-ahead, those smiles and giggles are more than anything!!

Now let me tell you,  my girl is a shopper!! She loves picking out her own toys, and begging for the ones I won't buy for her;) She loves going to the "ABC store", or more popularly known as HEB. That toy aisle is her favorite, of course, and then there's the lobster tank! We can't go to the grocery store and not visit the lobsters.

Primping is a daily thing. Every morning she comes into my room and asks if she can have some "chapsticks." She loves having her little piggies painted, singing her favorite Disney princess songs and playing with Playdo! She pretty much lives in her princess dresses at home, and sometimes even when we leave the house!

Her favorite backyard activities include playing with her sand and water table, and eating popsicles while fighting through the cold hitting her teeth! She adores her daddy and is always excited to welcome him home from work in the evenings. Wrestling with her brother is another thing on her list of favorites, whether he likes it or not. haha

This girl loves her afternoons at the park!! She gets so much joy out of soaking up the sun and being around her friends. She just lights up, and it warms my heart so much! Her love for others is undeniable!

Nothing beats a nice warm bubble bath to help unwind at the end of the day :)

And last but certainly not least, her favorite way to end the day (and ours too) is to snuggle and say our bedtime prayers together as a family!

As you can see, our daughter is a spunky, energetic, and fun-loving little lady! She has such a kind heart, and a zest for life that is incredibly contagious! <3

I'm so excited about this new birthday tradition to capture all of these little details of her childhood for us to hold onto forever!! <3 

Nikki Gould