Splashing Through... Spring | May SIXTYsecond Motion


Summer is always bittersweet for me. Not because it means the end of another year of school, as I have my children at home with me all day every day. No, it's bittersweet because while I love all of the summer activities, the Texas heat definitely puts a huge damper on things. It's like a sauna that just follows me around everywhere I go, causing me to dispel of all of my own relentless sweat!

Keeping cool is a massive obstacle to overcome! And yes, I know it's not technically summer yet, but let's be real. We Houstonians know summer starts around the end of April (if we're lucky) and goes until around November or sometimes even December. Thus the dread of those cooler months leaving us and the boiling hot months sticking around for far too long! 

The upside, after I stop complaining about the heat, is watching my children enjoy all of the fun things I enjoyed as a child in an attempt to keep cool. The simplest things put the biggest smiles on their faces. I remember from my own childhood how my brothers and I would run through the sprinkler over and over with the same giggles and squeals that I hear coming from my own little ones. We would always get a big kick out of our dog, Shawna, who would attempt to bite the water thinking she could stop it, and I'm certain we would come running through the house long before we had dried off, which I'm sure thrilled our parents. 

I very much enjoy living vicariously through the joyful expressions of my children, and finding it impossible to resist the urge to join in the fun a bit. Usually in an attempt to get my son to overcome his disdain for getting water on his face. He's getting there...


I was so excited to get out my camera, and provide our family with a special home movie for all of us to be able to look back on long after our children think they're too cool to run through the sprinkler. I do love summer, and I even have an appreciation for the heat as it allows for fun mini adventures like this one. I don't think I'll ever be able to say that I love the heat though ;) I'll stop rambling now and just let you enjoy the fun little 60 second video of my kiddos beating the heat. There may be a cameo appearance by yours truly as well! I seriously couldn't resist...


The excitement of summer is only just beginning!! If you are interested in having photos or even your own family film like the one here of your family fun this summer, you can click the button below and get started on scheduling yours TODAY!!


Can't wait to see you around this summer!! Until then...

Keep it real,
Nikki Gould


Houston Family Photographer
Documentary Family Photographer in Houston
Family Photojournalist in Houston